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Everything is easier when you have a list to follow. Here are a few from our most recent trips, covering a variety of locations and types of travel. When it comes to choosing what to take there are a lot of variables, especially for a digital nomad. Our goal is to give you a sense of what has worked for us and what has not.
Every packing list includes items that we used frequently, gear we packed but wished we hadn’t, and stuff that we didn’t bring but wish we had. We also include a list of regrets and smart moves we made for each trip so that hopefully you won’t repeat our mistakes.
If you’ve done any amount of research on the topic of choosing what to pack for your travels, you’ve probably noticed that it is the most documented, argued and over- analyzed of all issues facing a traveler. Everyone has their own opinion. All that matters is that you know what you need to be happy on the road.
There are several common themes shared by experience travelers that are worth paying attention to: You need less than you think, and having less stuff makes travel more enjoyable.
Here you’ll find our advice for choosing the right gear for your travels. This includes mobile office equipment, electronics for staying connected and safe on the road, and travel gear for camping and backpacking.
Our advice is based on the years we’ve spent traveling, and working remotely, with an emphasis on choosing quality equipment that will last while not breaking the bank. You will only ever see us promote items and brands that we’ve tested ourselves and found to be worthy of a nomadic lifestyle.