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Toiletries and First Aid Gear

Written by Jared on October 3, 2011

Our first aid kit.Continuing our series of gear list articles for our upcoming road trip to South America, I give you our toiletries bin and first aid kit. Exciting stuff. As our packing strategy has evolved over the past few months, this box has become a place for everything that doesn't fit anywhere else. All of this gear is communal, we each keep our personal toiletries in separate bags. At least that's the plan for now...we'll see how it goes.

Our first aid kit was purchased at REI and expanded with over-the-counter drugs and lots of extra necessities we've accumulated over the years.

Toiletries Bin

Our toiletries bin.

  1. Water Purifier - SteriPEN, uses magical UV light to purify water without adding any nasty flavors.
  2. Iodine Tablets - In case the SteriPEN dies or we need to purify a ton of water at once.
  3. Kobus' bad ass toiletries bag - Kinda creeps me out.
  4. Sunscreen - SPF 15 and 30.
  5. Moisturizer
  6. Eez-Thru Flossers
  7. Communal shampoo - To refill smaller bottles that each of us have.
  8. Spare TP - You never know.
  9. Insect Repellent - 6 2oz bottles of 100% DEET that we'll dilute as needed.
  10. Mosquito coils - Cheap extra protection when we're camping and there's no wind.
  11. Benadryl Anti-Itch Cream - For when the DEET and coils fail.
  12. Laundry bags - One for Jess & Kobus, one for me.
  13. Paracord - For the clothes line, or one of the other 8 million other things we may need it for.
  14. Travel alarm clock
  15. Advil and Tylenol PM - Our over-the-counter drugs of choice.
  16. Cipro - By prescription, broad spectrum antibiotics.
  17. First aid kit

First Aid Kit

First aid kit numbered.

  1. Band-aids - All shapes and sizes.
  2. Trauma Pads, rolled gauze and other wound dressings
  3. Latex-free gloves
  4. Cotton swabs
  5. Antiseptic wipes
  6. ACE Bandage wrap
  7. Moleskin for blisters
  8. Medical Tape
  9. Emergency blanket
  10. Thermometer
  11. Safety pins
  12. Scissors
  13. Nail clippers
  14. Tweezers
  15. Cloth/bandage scissors
  16. Syringe
  17. Benadryl anti-itch cream
  18. Neosporin antiseptic cream
  19. Iodine
  20. Antacid
  21. A variety of over-the-counter drugs - cold/flu, decongestants, anti-diarrhea with packages so we can hopefully find replacements using the medical names
  22. First aid manual

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#2 Kobus 2012-04-27 13:53
This is true, Guides do carry first aid kits. But given that we are mostly traveling by our self with no guide and that I tend to be as graceful as a wounded mule, a first aid kit is really needed :)
Bandage scissors
#1 Bandage scissors 2012-04-27 10:21
Your guide will carry a full first aid kit. You need a basic first-aid kit for bumps, cuts, and bruises. This should include Band-aids,Paink illers,Elastici sed bandage,Waterpr oof tape or “Second Skin” for blisters and tender skin.

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