{jcomments lock}It's our pleasure to finally introduce our latest work, Forks in the Road:...
Start: January 4, Parque Nacional Cerro Castillo{jcomments lock}Finish: January 15, Puerto GuadalFish Caught and...
Start: February 28, Bariloche{jcomments lock}Finish: March 4, BarilocheNumber of Overlanders Gathered: 24Pounds of Meat...
{jcomments lock}About 10 years ago I bought a pair of typical South African tongs for...
{jcomments lock}At long last, our crowning achievement is finished after several days of nonstop...
The links below will take you to our detailed per-country budget reports. We’ve broken...
Hi friends. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I know you’re wondering what we’ve...
Technology gives us the ability to work remotely. Curiosity, wonder and boredom drive us to the far reaches of the world. Put the two together and you have Life Remotely.
We've spent the past fifteen years traveling and working around the world. In October of 2011 we left our home in Seattle and headed south. Our goal: drive to Patagonia and spend the night in Antarctica. From there, who knows.
Start: November 18, 2014, Fish River Canyon, Namibia
Finish: December 5, 2014, Torra Bay, Namibia
Number of dunes climbed: 4
Number of flat tires: 1
Number of weaver finches recruited as minions: sadly zero
After crossing the border of South Africa to Namibia we head north in search of sand dunes and deserts. We have our first flat tire, try and tame some finches and rediscover some spectacular campsites.
Start: August 1st, Knysna, South Africa
Finish: November 17th, 2014, Cape Town
Number of days spent in Casa Ridiculous: 107
Bins purchased: 5
Trips planned: 1
Our last update was back in May just before we left South Africa to return to the US for Overland Expo. It was during Expo that we started talking about returning to South Africa. Jess and her Google-Foo found us a house that would be cheaper than the rent we would pay in Seattle. So not long after returning to the States, we bought new tickets and hopped on a plane back to South Africa.
We spent the last 3 months in Casa Ridiculous, in Knysna South Africa. Overlooking the Indian Ocean, watching the whales cavort in the surf in front of the house and feeding hundreds of birds. We even tried to start a little herb garden.
Hi friends. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I know you’re wondering what we’ve been up to. But, let me just say, it’s all boring, so let’s skip to something a lot more interesting.
Sometime about a year ago we’re sitting around sharing beers with these cool cats from Song of the Road. And we started talking about the lack of one good solid list of camp spots for Overlanders. Turns out that Sam is a developer (and a damn good one), and I seem to be obsessed with things involving spreadsheets and maps. And if you put those things together, add a year of work, a hell of a lot of volunteers a few thousand recorded camp spots from around the web, you end up with this: www.iOverlander.com.
iOverlander is a both a website and an iPhone app to help travelers find and record destinations. It’s an interactive map, but also a downloadable list of campsites, hostels, parking lots, mechanics, and many more places on the road. It tracks GPS coordinates and names, but also amenities (wifi, bathrooms, water, restaurants, pet friendly, parking spaces, altitude, shower water temperature, and more).
{jcomments lock}Four months ago Jessica and I set out on a journey of rediscovery. A journey that would crisscross through South Africa in hopes to find what I missed about my home country. What we stumbled upon were memories long forgotten, of foods, people and places most spectacular. Pinpointing what I missed about South Africa is no easy task.
Looking back at the months leading up to our trip, I have the same feeling as I did when we left Mexico. The stories and news had a common theme. Theft, rape, armed robberies, smuggling... the list goes on. Enough to put anyone on high alert.
During our four month, 5,000 mile journey, not once did we experienced any type of crime or encounter any bribe attempts, muggings, pickpockets, shakedowns or theft.
I am not saying they don't happen, but I can't help think that South Africa is not as treacherous as it is made out to be. Like most places in the world, a little common sense goes a long way.
After 4 months rediscovering South Africa, and now back in the States, I can tell you much more clearly, what it is that I miss about home...
Start: February 1, Cape Town {jcomments lock}
Finish: March 15, Olifantsfontein
Number of ostriches that can fit in a truck: 84
Cutest baby animals: Cheetahs (followed by miniature horses)
From the beaches and Indian restaurants of Cape Town we head east along the coast to explore the rest of the cape. We spend weeks in the middle of nowhere, track down Kobus' ancestors, and stand in awe at the diversity and beauty of South Africa.